Foundation is the most important component of a house. You may have a comfortable and livable basement with great foundation walls. When the foundation walls leak, that can be nightmares to the residences. It is asking for $60,000 + for repairing the cracks by the open up the entire side of the foundation wall. It must be filling the cracks and re-do the waterproof.
According to the new home act, you may get a free repair from Tarion warranty protection within seven years of a new house. (only if you have built with HCRA license builder) The actual situation is Stills; usually, foundation problems come after the warranty expires.
So if technology can make it problem-free initially, how long should the warranty be? How about 50 years or longer? Yes, this is what new technology can do for you today.
According to the new home act, you may get a free repair from Tarion warranty protection within seven years of a new house. (only if you have built with HCRA license builder) The actual situation is Stills; usually, foundation problems come after the warranty expires.
So if technology can make it problem-free initially, how long should the warranty be? How about 50 years or longer? Yes, this is what new technology can do for you today.